Animal nutrition

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The animal feed industry has undergone a remarkable evolution in recent years, increasingly prioritizing the health and well-being of animals. At Alvinesa, we take pride in offering natural and sustainable ingredients that not only meet these expectations but exceed them.

Alvinesa’s OleaFeed olive extract and VitiFeed grape extract ingredients provide a variety of benefits for animal nutrition. From improving meat quality to promoting efficient growth and maintaining a healthy intestinal microflora, these extracts provide high antioxidant capacity that significantly contributes to the health and performance of animals. 

These benefits not only improve the quality of life for animals but also support sustainable and responsible practices in animal production.

Our commitment to sustainability ensures that by choosing our ingredients, ecological and responsible practices are also promoted.

At Alvinesa, we believe in a future where animal health and sustainability go hand in hand. That’s why our products are designed to make this vision a reality, offering nutritious and environmentally friendly solutions for the animal feed of tomorrow.

Animal Nutrition


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