Cades Penedès

The company was founded in 1972, through the union of four small distilleries and two major wine producers. The producers guaranteed the treatment of their byproducts, and the small distilleries, through the merger, were able to meet the growing investment demands that this activity already required at that time.


It is the most important byproduct, obtained from the pressing of the grape.

Products obtained:

  • Alcohol: It is used for energy or industrial purposes.
  • Grape pomace: It is used for the production of grape seed oil.
  • Dry pomace: It is the skin and pulp of the grape, reused as fuel or sold for animal feed or as organic fertilizer.
  • Calcium tartrate: It is a salt of tartaric acid. This acid has various uses, one of the most important being as a natural preservative.

Wine lees

It is the byproduct obtained from the clarification of wine.

Products obtained:

  • Alcohol: It is used for energy or industrial purposes.
  • Calcium tartrate: It is a salt of tartaric acid. This acid has various uses, one of the most important being as a natural preservative.


It is the most important byproduct, obtained from the pressing of the grape.

Products obtained:

  • Alcohol for drinking purposes: Whether distilled or rectified. These are alcohols intended for the production of brandy or mistelles and special wines.

It is also worth highlighting the production of electrical energy from renewable sources.

The electric energy is obtained from the combustion of biogas in an Otto cycle engine. This biogas comes from our treatment plant through the anaerobic digestion of the residual organic matter from our production process.

The objective of Cades Penedès SA is the comprehensive treatment of waste from the winemaking processes, protecting the environment and using the best available technique.

Cades Penedès SA was founded in 1972. The plant is located in the municipality of Avinyonet del Penedès (Barcelona).

The company has a Share Capital of 900,000 Euros, and the shareholder composition is as follows:


100 %


Our aspiration is to be a reference company within our sector, both for the service to our customers and suppliers, as well as for efficiency in processes, always ensuring that our actions are respectful of the environment.

Directing future actions towards the continuous improvement of our processes, through innovation and other measures, to guarantee the company’s competitiveness in the future.

Achieving an improvement in productivity to meet the expectations of our employees and shareholders.


Company specializing in the treatment of winemaking waste for the extraction of alcohol, calcium tartrate, and grape pomace.


Camí de Can Batlle, s/n
Avinyonet del Penedès
Telf: 938970075

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