Trade Shows 2025 Alvinesa

We are delighted to announce our participation in several trade shows throughout 2025, dedicated to dietary supplements and food ingredients. Come and meet us to share your development projects and explore how we can contribute to your next success! Let’s connect and discuss how Alvinesa’s natural ingredients can support your business growth and innovation. 📩 Contact us at Contact – Alvinesa to schedule a meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!

Diego Simón’s Conference at Origin Natura

Exciting News from Alvinesa! Our Chief Scientific Director, Diego Simón Herrero, had the incredible opportunity to speak at the trade show Origin Natura, held on January 16 and 17 sharing insights about Alvinesa’s commitment to innovation, sustainability, and circular economy. During his presentation, Diego highlighted how Alvinesa transforms co-products from the wine and olive industries into high-value, natural ingredients like Hytolive®, our olive extract rich in Hydroxytyrosol, and Vintera®, our grape extract standardized in OPC, proanthocyanidins, and anthocyanins. By upcycling natural resources, we are setting a benchmark for sustainable practices while delivering premium ingredients for the health and wellness industry. We are proud to lead the way in creating a positive impact through science and nature. Thank you, Diego, for representing us in this conference.


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