Ethical channel

Welcome to Alvinesa Natural Ingredients, S.A.U.'s ethical and anti-harassment channels.

Do you want to report or inform about any behavior?

Alvinesa, in its organizational and management model, has established an Ethical Channel with preventive effectiveness that enables the detection of acts or behaviors that could be contrary to the general or sectoral regulations applicable to it in accordance with the Penal Code, which imposes “the obligation to report possible risks and non-compliance to the body responsible for monitoring the operation and observance of the prevention model.”

The Ethical Channel is available to all members of our organization and/or third parties so that they can inform the organization about the existence of any procedural and organizational weakness that could result in a criminal risk or the commission or omission of a criminal act.

Alvinesa guarantees confidentiality, anonymity, and the absence of reprisals of any kind towards the person who reported the facts. The data will be kept in the system only for the time necessary for the investigation of the reported facts.

In any case, three months after the introduction of your personal data, our organization will proceed to delete it from the system.

If it is necessary to keep the data to continue the investigation, our organization may continue to process your data in a legally corresponding environment.

Reports can be made through any of the following channels enabled in the organization:

  1. Email to the following addresses: Ethical channel: Anti-harassment channel:
  2. Model for reporting signs or suspicions of criminal conduct, which can be obtained in physical or digital format by requesting it at the organization’s offices
  3. Through our Ethical Channel, which will provide Anonymity according to current legislation.

Ethical code

Our ethical code aims to ensure and promote Alvinesa’s commitment, as well as that of all individuals associated with it, to comply with ethical principles, regulations, and applicable laws in all areas of operation.

It is designed to be fully effective and applicable at all levels of the organization, from executives and professional members to third parties with whom it interacts.

In this way, it is intended that every professional associated with or related to Alvinesa has full knowledge of the Code of Conduct and commits to abide by it, as well as to report any behaviors or suspicious indications contrary to proper conduct concerning the organization.

You can access the ethical code by clicking here.

Principles against harassment

1st.- Any action or conduct constituting workplace harassment is prohibited, regardless of its type.

2nd.- Once proven, these behaviors will be considered very serious offenses.

3rd.- The confidentiality of the worker who has been a victim of such a situation will be expressly protected.

4th.- All ALVINESA personnel, especially top management, middle management, and personnel with decision-making authority in general, have the responsibility to ensure a safe and dignified work environment.

5th.- This protocol establishes the means for both prevention and prompt intervention in the event that these incidents occur, which must result from the pertinent investigation characterized by the necessary rigor, effectiveness, and objectivity.

6th.- This protocol is framed within constitutional, labor, and any legislative references that support it.


Need more information?

Our customer service department will answer any questions you may have.

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