Government Grants



The general objective of the project is to develop the first food products with neuroprotective properties thanks to the obtaining of bioactive ingredients from natural sources, including the vine. The potential of the selected compounds to promote mental health will be investigated in preclinical studies and technological processes will be developed for the incorporation of the bioactive compounds into food matrices. 

Funded by: FEDER/Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities – State Research Agency/ PROJECT: New foods for the prevention of diseases with cognitive impairment, with reference number RTC-2017-6424-1.

Alvinesa Logistica S.L has been a beneficiary of this aid granted under the subsidy granted by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.

ALVINESA NATURAL INGREDIENTS S.A. has received aid for its self-consumption project “PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION FOR SELF-CONSUMPTION OF 533.55 kWp”, co-financed by the European Recovery and Resilience Mechanism PRTR-Next Generation EU, coordinated by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge through IDAE and managed by the autonomies according to Royal Decree 477/2021, with the aim of achieving a cleaner and more sustainable economy. A self-consumption project has been developed with renewable energy sources, consisting of an installation of photovoltaic panels at the facilities of ALVINESA NATURAL INGREDIENTS S.A. in Daimiel (Ciudad Real). In this project, 979 545 Wp modules have been installed with a total power of 533.55 kWp.


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