Nutraceutical Market

Capsules with grape

Grapes have been an integral part of the human diet for thousands of years and continue to be one of the most cherished and consumed fruits today. Grape extracts, such as Vintera™, are highly valued for their beneficial properties.

Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated their effectiveness in improving health in areas such as skin health and the digestive, cardiovascular, and cognitive systems. Additionally, promising research has been conducted on their positive impact on memory, diabetes, and gut flora.

In addition, Hytolive® olive extract, rich in hydroxytyrosol, has also proven to be essential for the nutraceutical industry. This potent antioxidant has been the subject of numerous studies highlighting its ability to combat oxidative stress, improve cardiovascular health, and contribute to protecting the skin against premature aging.

Both extracts, Vintera® and Hytolive®, are fundamental components in the formulation of nutraceutical supplements.

They help individuals maintain optimal health through their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and protective properties, providing a natural defense against various diseases and promoting overall well-being. 

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Ingredients aimed at the Nutraceutical market



Vintera® is a grape extract, standardized in OPCs, offering powerful antioxidant benefits that support cardiovascular health, improve circulation, blood pressure, and promote overall well-being.



Hytolive® is an olive extract, standardized in hydroxytyrosol, offering powerful antioxidant benefits, supporting cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation, and protecting cells against oxidative damage.

Grape seed oil Supplementation

Grape seed oil, rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, offers benefits including improvement in reducing inflammation and supporting skin health, protecting it against oxidative damage.


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